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Low Tide Beach Walk from County Line to Broad Beach


Beach walks are one of the most popular outdoor activities in Malibu.  Even on days with very poor weather you will always find a few people enjoying a stroll on popular beaches like Zuma and Malibu.  And why not?  The sand feels great on your feet, the sounds of crashing waves are always very soothing, and marine animals are never shy to make a surprise appearance.  I recently heard about a particularly great beach walk stretching from County Line all the way to Broad Beach so I decided to give it a try.  In my opinion this is the best beach walk in Malibu and I recommend that you give it a try.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that this walk is only accessible during a very low tide.  If the tide is too high, certain sections of the beach will not be accessible.  Trying to walk through the water or swimming across can be very dangerous so you definitely won't want to do that.

Tide at 0.2' when I started at 11:15am
Tide at 0.2′ when I started at 11:15am

Tide bottomed out at noon.
Tide bottomed out at noon.

Tide at 0.5' when I finished.
Tide at 0.5′ when I finished.

For a reference, I started my walk at 11:15am when the tide was on its way down at 0.2’.  The tide bottomed out out at 0.1’ around noon and when I finished my walk at 1:45pm the tide was back up to 0.5’.  The only issue I faced with water in the way was immediately after County Line beach when you hit the first group of beach houses.  The water was about a foot deep so I decided to climb over the rocks for about twenty 15 yards rather than get wet.  Other than that it was smooth sailing.

Using a running app on my phone that tracks pace and distance, I totaled the distance of the walk at just under 6 miles.  It took a total of 2 hours and 25 minutes moving at a pace of 24 minutes per mile.  For some sort of perspective on my movement, I was walking at a comfortable pace the whole time, stopping periodically to take a picture here and there.  I also had a ten minute stop where I rescued a seal that was stuck under a rock. :)


Since this is a one way walk, you will want to figure out a situation where you and a walking partner bring two cars, dropping off one at the broad beach end so you can drive back to the other car left at County Line.  Another option is to have someone pick you up or turn around halfway through the walk.

One aspect of what makes this walk so great is the fact that you pass through so many different beaches.  It is like you are getting a little taste of each of the best beaches on the west end of Malibu.  The notable beaches you pass through include County Line, Leo Carillo, La Piedra, El Pescador, Nicholas Beach, and El Matador.

Another reason this walk is great is the sense of seclusion that is felt during certain sections of the beach.  Many of the areas you pass through have no public access nearby so the beach is completely empty of people.  At the beaches mentioned in the previous paragraph you will definitely find some people, especially El Matador, but in between these crowded areas you will find empty sand for some peace and tranquility.

One last tip before you do this beach walk is to make sure to wear sunscreen!  Your are in the sun for 2 and halfs hours + and the sun can definitely take it’s toll.  I unfortunately got a wicked sunburn. :0  Enjoy and be safe!


Ashot from a secluded part of the walk.
When you see this boat like structure you know you have reached broad beach!
So marine birds enjoying the sunny day.
A look down the coast.