
Mar 24, 2024

For Malibu Business Owners

With hundreds of businesses based in Malibu, it's quite an ongoing project to update all of our content to accurately represent the current Malibu business landscape. We don't charge anyone to list your business, but you can pay to be a featured listing in our directories. We represent Malibu's restaurants, shops and all other legitimate services offered within the City of Malibu.

To be featured, contact us. When featured, you'll be found in more prominent places on the website, showing up first and more often than the listings who haven't been featured. That means you also get direct assistance from us, helping you make your ATM Business profile page the best it can be. You can also request ad design. and SEO friendly written content for your profile.

If you don't wish to pay - no problem! You will still be listed here as long as you are in business in Malibu. If you don't like how your ATM Business profile page looks, you can contact us and send us content you'd like us to use. We recommend sending a sharp, clear, decently sized logo image and a "mood image". That can be a picture of the interior of your store, an image of your product, or an editorial image of people using your product or showcasing the lifestyle you are selling. Please do not send copyrighted images that you do not own the copyright to. By sending us your image, we assume the right to use the image in the promotion of your business. We strongly recommend sending large, high resolution images whenever possible in a landscape (horizontal) format. Our website is "responsive" which means it will look slightly different on different devices. Ideally pick a photo that can still look good with a little cropping. Take a look at the shopping and service directories to see examples. Notice what images look good, and which get cut off awkwardly.

Since there are so many businesses in Malibu, and the majority are being listed for free, we unfortunately cannot offer any design assistance for your the images you send us, or copy writing for your business information section. You would need to pay to be featured for that kind of assistance. You can always send another image if you don't like how the first one (or first two or three) looks.

The file types we can work use:

We hope our links to your website boost your SEO and increase your customer base! Long live local Malibu!

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